“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” – Unknown
Even during the uncertain housing market of recent years, 90% of surveyed homeowners maintained that their house is a source of comfort in their lives.* Have you ever stopped to think about why so many Americans make it a goal to buy a home one day?
This month’s Item of Value explores the reasons why the idea of homeownership is important to so many people. It shows the immense impact that the home construction and sales industries have on our national and regional economies, as well as how ownership helps build strong local communities. It also discusses the personal and financial benefits for individual families.
We hope that you find this topic as interesting as we do, because in our work we get to see what owning a home really means to people every day. Feel free to call and discuss your personal home ownership goals and how we can help you reach them.
In this month’s newsletter we introduce you to our new team member Shaun Simpson, our newest buyer tool, ListingBook, and the latest information on the How To Profit From Foreclosures Event 2010!