Teen Driving Safety

For teens of driving age, there may be no greater responsibility than what they face on the road.  Automobile crashes are the number one killer of teenagers in the United States.  With nearly 6,000 teen deaths and approximately 300,000 teen injuries annually due to automobile crashes, there are few societal problems more important.  The challenge is daunting but not insurmountable.

According to 2001 figures, fatal accidents of 16-17 year old drivers were likely to involve a single car, driver error and speeding.  Fatal crashes involving one or more passengers were even more likely to have these characteristics.  Now is the time to work together with our children to change these alarming statistics.

According to a 2007 Allstate Foundation survey, although many parents acknowledge they must play a significant role in preparing their teens to drive, a number delay safe driving conversations with their teens until shortly before licensure.  The same report notes that while parents understand they are role models on the road, their driving behaviors send the wrong message, as 71 percent admit to talking on a cell phone while driving with their teens, and 26 percent say they have broken traffic laws with their teen in the car.

As a local insurance agent who cares deeply about my customers and my community, I encourage parents and teens to discuss this issue and the importance of exhibiting safe driving habits.

Let’s help our teens successfully take on driving challenges and responsibilities, together, I hope we can make a difference.

M. Terry Mechling

Birmingham Crossroads Agency
980 Birmingham Rd, Suite 721
Milton, GA 30004

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