Tag Archives: Community Mixer
Free Registration for the Autumn 2009 Atlanta Business Community Mixer
We are very excited to announce our FREE Autumn Atlanta Business Community Mixer on November 19th from 5:30P to 8:30P. Our previous Mixers have proven to be successful events for local business people and area realtors. Our Autumn Mixer promises to be even more fruitful for small businesses with over 200 attendees, multiple sponsors, and […]
Summer 2009 Atlanta Community Business Mixer
We are very excited to announce our Summer Atlanta Business Community Mixer on August 13th from 5:30P to 8:30P. Our previous Mixers have been great successes with over 150 attendees and sponsors. Our Summer Mixer promises to be even more fruitful for small businesses with over 200 attendees, multiple sponsors, and elegant catering through El […]
Spring 2009 Atlanta Community Business Mixer
We are very excited to announce our Spring Atlanta Business Community Mixer on April 23rd from 5:30P to 8:30P. Our previous Mixers have been great successes with over 150 attendees and sponsors. Our Spring Mixer promises to be even more fruitful for small businesses with 150-200 attendees, multiple sponsors, and elegant catering through El Pollo […]
ClubNet Community Mixer
Check out our ClubNet Community Mixer, it was the place to be last Wednesday. It was a great event!!
Atlanta ClubNet Business Community Mixer
Dear Friend, Please be our guest for the second Atlanta ClubNet Business Community Mixer. This free mixer is a great way to meet and network with Realtors, small business owners, and professionals in the Metro Atlanta area. Our first event was a big success with a huge turnout and this time we are taking it […]